
Q : How did you start out in Photography ?
A : I spent four years at the Iconic Mackintosh Art School in Glasgow . When i left i took a slightly circuitous route which led to London & a job as an assistant to an up & coming fashion photographer.  That lasted about a year.  I learned a lot.  Then I started out on my own, eventually establishing a good client base from my London studio. Mainly Beauty & Fashion work.
Q :  Then you moved to America ?
A : Yes.  I was doing a lot of trips to the US, & eventually decided to move there, initially Miami & then LA.
Q : How does the scene in LA compare to London ?
A : I enjoyed living in LA but the work scene is quite different. Part of the work process is ‘taking’ meetings & ‘doing lunch’ for no apparent reason. Too many ‘Flaky’ people in LA.
Fortunately, I was working a lot in New York at the time and didn’t have to rely on a Los Angeles based clientele.  Less BS in New York.
Q : And now back to Europe?
A : Yes. I eventually bailed from Hollywood & drove around America for a couple of years on an extended road trip. I think driving through the endless deserts started my interest in abstract landscapes.  Death Valley and Lake Mirage were  particular favourites. Places with great names like Zabriskie Point & Artists Palette. Eventually though,  it was time for a change and I decided to come back to Europe.  I was living on a yacht off the east coast of Scotland and taking long walks on windswept beaches. Enjoying the constantly changing light.  I started photographing beach scenes created by the weather.  Little mounds of sand blown against a rock.    Miniature canyons created by the tide going out.  Small scale scenes that suggested much bigger landscapes.  
Q :  You do a lot less fashion & beauty work now.  Do you miss it ?
A : I still do selective commercial work which I enjoy, mainly on location. There is a lot of interesting work out there, but the overuse of photoshop and re-touching reduces a lot of work to the level of illustration. Shooting on film means that you have to get it right at the time, without relying on Post Production. I find that more challenging. I still like to shoot on film where possible.
Currently I’m based in the UK & balancing personal & commercial work.